iPhoto Library Manager 3.2.6 released
I released a minor update to iPhoto Library Manager today, bringing it to version 3.2.6. It's a free update from previous versions, and is mostly a bug fix release. The only new feature of note is that you can now click the header of the album/roll list to sort the albums/rolls by name. This is particularly handy with rolls when you are looking for a specific one, in which case the default sort order (the order in which they were imported) isn't usually too helpful.In case anyone was wondering, I have not actually been working on this minor update for the entire 4 months since the last one. I'm inefficient sometimes, but not that inefficient! I've been spending most of my time lately working on a brand new project. Details will be forthcoming soon, but for now let's just say that it involves something rhyming with "iSwoons"...