Fat Cat Software

PowerPhotos Help

Grid view

The grid view of the photo browser allows you to look through your photos much like you do in Photos, with your photos arranged in a grid, showing a small preview of each photo with some basic information below the photo itself. The slider in the lower right corner allows you to change the size of the photos, and selecting an individual photo will display that photo’s information in the info pane in the lower left corner of the window.

You can customize the appearance of the grid view by using the various commands available in the View menu. These include:

  • Photo Titles: toggles on/off the photos’ titles, displayed just underneath the photo.
  • Show Subtitle: allows you to add a second line of information displayed below the title of each photo. You can choose from date, description, faces, filename, keywords, kind, place, or size.
  • Sort By: allows you to specify what attribute the photos should be sorted by. The “manual” option will display an album’s photos in the same order you’ve arranged them in Photos. This only applies when viewing a single album, as events do not have a customizable sort order.
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